showing 8 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Daley Thompson's Super-Test  Ocean (Choice Software)1985 labelimageminimize
Winter Sports Electric Dreams1985 labelimageminimize
Winter Games Epyx;U.S. Gold (Sentient Software)1986[b]Compilation releases:[/b]
- Gold, Silver, Bronze***
[39]***Also released in a compilation titled "Gold, Silver, Bronze", which included [game=#49448]Summer Games[/game], [game=#49449]Summer Games II[/game] and [game=#49940]Winter Games[/game], released in 1988, published by [company=Epyx]Epyx[/company] and distributed by [company=U.S. Gold]U.S. Gold[/company].

The compilation was rated 80% by French magazine Amstrad Cent Pour Cent #8 (Oct. 1988) and 13/20 by French magazine Amstar #26 (Oct. 1988).***
Winter Olympics Tynesoft1986 labelimageminimize
Alpine Games Atlantis Software1987 labelimageminimize
Super Ski  Loriciels;Microïds (Microïds)1987 labelimageminimize
Starting Blocks Coktel Vision1988 labelimageminimize
The Games: Winter Edition Epyx;U.S. Gold (Sentient Software)1988 labelimageminimize